Tuesday 16 January 2018


I read an article about dysmenorrhea and I wondered! Could this be my problem, do I have a disability unknown to me? Memories came Flashing back to my early days as a young girl, I remember being scared of boarding school, my thought? Who will nurse me to bed when the pains start, who will make me hot tea to ease the pain, so many thoughts......
 2004 September, the day I got admitted to most talked about boarding school, I was so happy, finally leaving home, no more errands, I was happy mostly because I could see the snare on my elder sisters face, she had no one to torture or send unnecessary errands anymore, oh dear! She sends the most ridiculous annoying errands, like get me the remote, get me water, get me my phone, help me get my legs off the stool for me " ahhh" I'm so weak!! Bla bla bla......
 i could only curse her out in my dreams, I remember seriously punching her in my dreams, I loved every moment of it, till I woke up with the struggling voice of my mother trying to detach my punching fist from the pillow" she was worried I would grow up aggressive, she never knew I was just mad at her Eldest daughter.
 These her little errands boil my temperature to a thousand Celsius! But then I would miss her, but hey! not more than her annoying errands.
Two months later, I woke up with the most hurtful abdominal pain, oh my goodness, have I been stabbed in my dreams?
 was I raped? hurriedly I Jumped off my bunk, knelt down in search of what to cover up , hurriedly tied around my waist my moms old wrapper which I had taken with me,
 straight ahead!
     i went to my school mother,
 short of words,
      " aunty Thelma, I don't know what's wrong with me, it wouldn't stop,
she says "what's not stopping?
 At this moment I was embarrassed to say" she lifted up her eyes and held my shoulder, pulling me aside "what's wrong? Speak up I have morning sanitation meeting with the other prefect" I murmured the words " Stomach hurts real badly, she replied" are you bleeding? I said "yes and it hurts"....
She took me back to the hostel and gave me a little snack with some painkillers!
    hmmmm i have become a woman my mom says, dont go near boys oooooh!! else you will get pregnant!
I said "mama what about the pains? Oh don't worry baby, it will subside as you get older! A deep *sigh* of relief came over me like ice water on a sunny day!
 I wasn't going to suffer for long!

18years later, a graduate and an MSc  on the way! I find myself still struggling with the pains every time of the month, I would drown my self in pain killers, to the extent I now have partial ulcer due to its side effect of long usage, I resulted in taking "Alomo bitters" an alcoholic bitters sold here in the western part of Africa! It helps but I end up reeking of alcohol before the birth of a new day!
   Before securing a job, I would ensure the working hours are flexible and I wouldn't have to be walking around or doing anything strenuous, I would select and select till I find the one that suit me, I find myself hating every job eventually.
when the time of the month comes, I would dread going to work,
this 8-5 wasn't working for me oooh, i Told  my mom,
 all day I would stare at the clock till 5pm...the restroom had become my companion, when the pain starts I will lock myself in there and cry my eyes out!
I couldn't function anymore, I would tell my boss beforehand when the first day starts, that I would not be able to come, he noticed my plight and made sure not to insist because he had witness my suffering on an occasion! You need to see the tantrums I threw, he had to let me go oh! Ah!
   I had attended a seminar organised by my friend, about the society and its disability! In his words "Anything that deters you from
functioning properly in a society is a disability , if you have to check in with your health before doing something its a disability"
Oh boy! It just clicked in my head, I think I have a disability" this dysmenorrhea is actually a disability, all my life it had stopped me from functioning properly, whatever I want to do, I had to check on it first, if it falls on the days? I immediately cancel it.
 did I choose to go through this ?No
    All I can do is manage! I even heard birth will make it go, oh well " my little ones didn't solve it" they just gave mummy stretchmark's! Which I wouldn't trade for the world.

  *written and edited by*

*Inspiration from Mrs laide*

Dont forget to leave your own experience and views concerning dysmenorrhea thanks!


  1. literary artisan 👌👏
    For me I discovered a herbal concoction few years ago, since then I have been able to mange dysmenorrhea to some extent.
    But just like every other drug , the herbal concoction can be a challenge to swallow sometimes....😂🙈

  2. Thank you so much for this post, I also have struggled with serious period pain, sometimes I get admitted into the hospital! I also have abused pain killers to the extent of it not working for me! Now I just take injection prior to the day! And I get my rest! I can't come and kill myself.

  3. You write so good!! Dysmenorrah will forever be an issue, maybe she should try cutting down on her sugar intake, soda is also a factor, eat lots of fruit and take lots of fluid!
    Sorry for your pain!

  4. My sisters go through this!! I heard about an African country ruling it as a disability and granting women compulsory leave once a month, try doing research about it kemi!
    Nevertheless this is an eye opener to the suffering of women!!
    Una! Dooohhhhhooo.
